This is pretty rare bass, I gather. I found it last Fall, NOS from a small store. Still has the plastic on the battery compartment. It is mint, save for the pictured ding at the tip of the headstock. A little black marker would hide that easily, but I decided to leave this for someone else to do, if they wish.
These went for $2K about 10 years ago. They have been out of production for about 8-9 years now.
If you are not familiar with this bass, it features a graphite neck made by Modulus to Peavey’s specs. Very slim and fast. The magnetic pickups are supplemented by a piezo bridge system. Take a look at the picture of the control cavity and you will see externally adjustable controls for the piezo bridge. These allow you to adjust each strings level and pan position in a stereo field.
Oh yeah, the bass has 2 output jacks for mono / stereo operation.
This bass is supplied with the OHSC.
Price: SOLD